The Painless Guide To Customer Personas: The Superior Way

The Painless Guide To Customer Personas: The Superior Way

Do you work in marketing? Are you struggling to capture the attention of your target audience? If so, you need to read this article to find out what you should be doing. One of the most important steps in marketing is understanding your customer. All too often, marketers get caught up in the minutiae of their work. Forgetting that they are working to create something for someone else’s use.So let’s

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Graphic Design Apps. My top 5 & Why you should use them

Graphic Design Apps. My top 5 & Why you should use them

My five top graphic design apps on my mobile device help me with my design workflows and digital content creation. In the age of mobility I find myself working off my iPhone more and more, and less on my laptop. Don’t get me wrong, big jobs like illustrations and layouts still are created using physical keyboard, display and mouse but I use my mobile device and my iPad exclusively to

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FREE Graphic Design Resources (and some not so FREE)

FREE Graphic Design Resources (and some not so FREE)

We’re talking about free graphic design resources, the secret weapon in any graphic designer’s toolbox. Graphic design professionals do a lot of conceptualising on their own. However they require some help in trying to get things done quickly. For example the designer might need a texture pattern or brush or some sort of vector that needs to be incorporated into a design. The web is full of resources, so below

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Digital Strategies. How to come up with a great plan: Part 2

Digital Strategies. How to come up with a great plan: Part 2

Digital strategies OR How to start increasing business: a primer. This is part two to a two part series. Part 1 can be found here. TL:DR: Digital strategies, 5 things: 1. Set a goal. 2. Find out how you can achieve that goal internally, 3. Write down a strategy to get the goal 4. Keep your eye, every day, on the goal 5. Measure the failures as well as the

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Digital Strategies. How to come up with a great plan: Part 1

Digital Strategies. How to come up with a great plan: Part 1

Digital strategies OR How to start increasing business. This is part one to a two part series. Part 2 can be found here. TL:DR: Digital strategies, 5 things: 1. Set a goal. 2. Find out how you can achieve that goal internally, 3. Write down a strategy to get the goal 4. Keep your eye, every day, on the goal 5. Measure the failures as well as the successes. Rinse.

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Why online posts need to be proofed before posting and some solutions.

Why online posts need to be proofed before posting and some solutions.

Tl:DR: An error in your online posts looks bad, you look bad, people laugh at you, you suffer, your employees suffer and everyone is sad. “Oh” you say “So what’s wrong with a little error? I’ll just fix it later, I mean it’s not like I’ve just spent thousands of dollars putting up a post on Facebook, it’s not a press ad after all!” I’m going to be blunt: “No.”

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