It stinks! Meta’s New Ad Design Frankly Looks Terrible

It stinks! Meta’s New Ad Design Frankly Looks Terrible

Facebook advertising by Meta has entered my radar again. Prompted by a post in a SMM group that the “new” automatic enhancement options look terrible. Essentially it’s a new add-on to Facebook’s automated ad serves. It seems that they are slowly moving people away from manually creating ads with granular targeting and bid adjustments to allowing Meta’s new AI to handle the promotion of the communications. In this sense all

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David Carson: Revolutionizing Graphic Design in the Computer Age

David Carson: Revolutionizing Graphic Design in the Computer Age

This is another installment in a blog series called “Artists You Should Know.” In the ever-evolving world of graphic design, few individuals have left a lasting impact as profound as David Carson. With his innovative approach and avant-garde style, Carson transformed the field, bridging the gap between traditional design and the emerging realm of computer-aided graphic design. This blog post explores the remarkable influence of David Carson on the industry

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Why Facebook Jail is going to become more commonplace for users in the future. And what you can do about it.

Why Facebook Jail is going to become more commonplace for users in the future. And what you can do about it.

So you’re in Facebook Jail, banned, restricted from liking, commenting and posting. I’ve been there recently and I’d like to relate my experience and what I’ve learned as a digital marketer. It’s correct to say that it’s becoming difficult to play virtual whack-a-mole with Facebook’s “Community standards”. There is a fine line between trampling freedom of speech and protecting the community from abuse. Unfortunately as a marketer one slip up

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5 ways to help transition your business when they relax the Covid-19 lockdown

5 ways to help transition your business when they relax the Covid-19 lockdown

Transitioning your business in a post Covid-19 world. 5 ways you can do it. In this article I’m going to talk about how to make that transition from normal operations to operations in a post Covid 19 world. I read this article about gyms being a “thing of the past”. I don’t agree entirely with that broad statement, but things will change. One of the solutions offered is only allowing

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The Spicks & the Specs of Spec Work

The Spicks & the Specs of Spec Work

The spicks and the specOf the girls on my mindWhere is the sunThat shone on my headThe sun in my lifeIt is dead. . . Bee Gees – “The Spicks and the Specks” It is dead Spec work is the best way to destroy an industry. Many would argue that “Speculative work” is the best way to get the top tier work from creatives. I’m here to tell you that

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The Covid 19 Adventures

The Covid 19 Adventures

So for the last few weeks I’ve been live streaming myself just chatting about my experiences with living under lockdown. I try to do one once a week. Topics include: Driving during lockdown School and training during lockdown The workload I have suddenly got during lockdown Shooting the breeze during lockdown You can view the vids here.