5 ways to help transition your business when they relax the Covid-19 lockdown

5 ways to help transition your business when they relax the Covid-19 lockdown

Transitioning your business in a post Covid-19 world. 5 ways you can do it. In this article I’m going to talk about how to make that transition from normal operations to operations in a post Covid 19 world. I read this article about gyms being a “thing of the past”. I don’t agree entirely with that broad statement, but things will change. One of the solutions offered is only allowing

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The Spicks & the Specs of Spec Work

The Spicks & the Specs of Spec Work

The spicks and the specOf the girls on my mindWhere is the sunThat shone on my headThe sun in my lifeIt is dead. . . Bee Gees – “The Spicks and the Specks” It is dead Spec work is the best way to destroy an industry. Many would argue that “Speculative work” is the best way to get the top tier work from creatives. I’m here to tell you that

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How to get Paid Digitally

How to get Paid Digitally

The way to get paid digitally locally is best described as fragmented, but it’s not unnavigable. This is part two for my previous article on why now is a good idea to get an e-commerce site. You can read that here first. Note at the time of writing this article the Government created a “Post Covid 19 Reconstruction” committee. This committee’s mandate is to, amongst other things, help further along

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The Covid 19 Adventures

The Covid 19 Adventures

So for the last few weeks I’ve been live streaming myself just chatting about my experiences with living under lockdown. I try to do one once a week. Topics include: Driving during lockdown School and training during lockdown The workload I have suddenly got during lockdown Shooting the breeze during lockdown You can view the vids here.

Captchas are necessary.

Captchas are necessary.

Is your site protected by a Captcha? These are my results from Google reCaptcha’s plugin on my site. It has helped screen the spam bots, so I would always recommend it to my clients’ website. I am using V3. This means its transparent and non intrusive. No more clicking “I am Not a Robot” check-boxes and looking for buses and cars and traffic lights. Any attempt to spam or login

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Google ads Gardens: How to Grow your Digital Real Estate

Google ads Gardens: How to Grow your Digital Real Estate

Google Ads are like planting seeds in a garden. Plants need water man. I learned a long time ago, having been given cacti over the years, at McCann, that I’m not really good at keeping plants. This is of course different from planting plants in a garden, but yeah I’m not really good with that either. You’re probably wondering where I’m going with this? If you’ve read my previous article

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Website Real Estate. Why a Website is a home not just an address.

Website Real Estate. Why a Website is a home not just an address.

TL:DR A secure, well made website can cost between US$175 to up to $US5,000. I explain what you get for those prices by doing a breakdown from doing a simple landing page to a large e-commerce site.  Whilst chatting with a real estate client of mine, he shared with me an interesting insight. He said “One cannot sell real estate these days without having online real estate.” This got me

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